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How Your Soul Can Help You Make Tough Decisions: A Simple Way To Connect With Your Higher Self

Working as an intuitive and therapist I help thousands of people make challenging decisions. During my sessions with clients, I often hear them utter the paralyzing mantra of confusion: “I don’t know.” Sure, maybe you don’t know the year that toothpaste was invented or which presidents had allergies; but if the question has to do with a life decision—if you should change jobs, partners, move, or go on a trip—you actually DO know.

My job as an intuitive is not to tell clients what I see and know but to help them consciously connect with the part of themselves that has all their own answers—their inner guru. My goal is that they experience their own unique and embodied feeling of truth and leave the session feeling clear and empowered.

We all have the ability to access that wise and clear awareness that knows exactly how to help us live our most beautiful and authentic life. I call that awareness “the Soul.” When we are stuck making a decision, it is because we are overwhelmed and hyper-aware of all the differing arguments. At these times we do not need to make a “pro and con” list or search for additional information. This behavior often makes us more stuck in heady perfectionism. What we actually need is to discover how to raise our consciousness to access the clear and potent information of the Soul.

A brilliant quote often credited to Einstein is: “You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.”

So how do we raise our vibration out of the analytical and critical mind to achieve Soul connection? It’s actually much simpler than you would think. First, you set the intention to connect to your Soul truth; then ask yourself this magical question: “If I pretended to know, what would I know?”

This simple but powerful prompt allows the analytical mind to take a break and allow the higher information from Soul to penetrate through.

Clients are often shocked by their newfound clarity when they allow themselves to pretend to know their own answers. This technique is really so simple and straightforward, it is easy to minimize its potentially life-changing results. Suddenly they are clear about the relationship they are in, the job where they feel stuck, or the health problem they are facing.

In my new book, Meet Your Soul: A Powerful Guide to Connect With Your Most Sacred Self, I cover common blocks to your Soul, as well as many simple, yet life-changing techniques, inquiries and meditations to help you connect with your inner wisdom. When you make decisions from the Soul’s perspective, you become blessed with the experience of living a beautiful, authentic and successful life. Try this simple technique with a challenging decision you are currently facing. I’d love to hear your results.




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