LWCS joins 13th Gathering of Philosophy Seminarians in Western Visayas

The Little Way College seminarians

The Little Way College Seminary joined the 13th Gathering f Philosophy Seminarians in Western Visayas last January 26-28, 2015 held in St. Peter’s Seminary, San Pedro, San Jose, Antique with the theme: “The Face of the Seminary in the Modern World”

The celebration was attended by seven seminaries namely, St. John Mary Vianney Seminary, San Carlos; Sacred Heart Semianry Bacolod; St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary, Jaro Iloilo; Sancta Maria Seminarium, Capiz; Sto. Niño Seminary, Kalibo, Aklan; St. Peter’s Seminary, San Jose de Antique and Little Way College Seminary, Kabankalan. The aim is to strengthen the bond and relationship among the seminarians, a way to communicate, relate and to share their experiences in the seminary formation and to engage in different cultures and traditions of each seminary. It was attended by 350 seminarians. It started with the campus tour and followed by a caravan from San Pedro to the Municipality of San Jose. Then, the celebration of the Holy Eucharist was presided by Most Rev. Jose Romeo Lazo, Bishop of the Diocese of San Jose de Antique. In his homily, he stressed the importance of companionship, a friend that accompanies along the daunting challenge of formation and the seminary strives for it. After the Mass, the seminarians were gathered and distributed to their respected foster homes. In the next day, the gathering was started by a symposium on the theme. The first speaker was Ferdinand Angelo Alipis, who discussed about modernism and post-modernism. According to Jean Francios Lyotard the post-modern is the incredulity towards metanarratives, where metanarratives are understood as totalizing stories about history and the goals of the human race that ground and legitimize knowledge and cultural practices. The two metanarratives that Lyotard sees as having been most important in the past are, (1) history as progressing towards social enlightenment and emancipation, and (2) knowledge as progressing towards totalization. Rev. Fr. Segundino Laude who discussed about rediscovering the values in the seminary. An open forum followed, and the games there after. Sto. Niño Seminary garnered first place both basketball and volleyball and the cultural night capped the day. The celebration culminated with Holy Mass presided by Very rev. Rogelio Pon-an, Rector of St. Peter’s Seminary. The Little Way College Seminary, Diocese of Kabankalan will be the Host seminary for the 14th Gathering of Philosophy Seminarians in Western Visayas this coming 2017.


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